Below are sources, both public and private, where study guides may be found. The Civil Service Commission does not approve any one source over any other, with the exception of study guides issued by the NYS Department of Civil Service.
Important: Each examination announcement contains a section titled “Subjects of Examination.” This section best describes the subjects of exam material and should be considered when studying or obtaining study material, especially when studying material from an outside source. Also, do not overlook your local library or bookstore when seeking study material.
DISCLAIMER: The Long Beach Civil Service Commission is in no way responsible for the content of the links below or of the specific services provided by the listed companies or agencies. This information is provided solely for the convenience of applicants for civil service exams. Each candidate is responsible for preparing themselves for the exam.
Study Guides issued by the NYS Department of Civil Service (selected titles)
National Learning Corporation 212 Michael Drive, Syosset, NY11791 (516) 921-8888
CSEA Work Institute Civil Service Test Preparation Booklets and Videos (866) 478-5548