Lloyd Aquifer Protection
What is the Lloyd Aquifer?
The Lloyd Aquifer is the purest, deepest and most limited aquifer serving Long Island. Long Beach relies solely on water pumped from the Lloyd, to meet the needs of 34,000 residents.
What is the current condition of the Lloyd?
Climate change and sea level rise, coupled with possible over-pumping, is allowing a saltwater interface to intrude into the Lloyd aquifer’s freshwater. Saltwater intrusion contaminates freshwater and increases costs to make our water safe to drink. Protecting and conserving our only source of drinking water must be a priority concern for the City and every resident.
What has been done to protect the Lloyd Aquifer?
The City has a long history of protecting the Lloyd. Most recently, in coordination with efforts on Long Island and the Western Nassau County Aquifer Committee, the City aided in accomplishing the following:
- Successfully advocated against the opening or reopening of wells that withdraw water from the Lloyd, and continuing to advocate against New York City’s attempts to do so;
- With the help of Governor Cuomo, secured funding for a US Geological Survey (USGS) study to monitor Long Island groundwater.
In 2018, the City Council approved capital funding to conduct an internal study of the City's water infrastructure, including determining the current state of the aquifer and the water distribution system, and recommending long-term planning options.
What is the US Geological Survey’s Long Island Groundwater Study?
The USGS monitors groundwater supply wells across the U.S. The main objectives of this study are to monitor groundwater movement and chloride concentrations, which can indicate saltwater intrusion, and determine current location, thickness, and concentration of freshwater-saltwater interface. Visit the USGS website to learn more.
The City will continue to advocate that the study be completed before permits are issued or renewed.
What can you do at home or work to play your part in protecting our freshwater supply?
- Be mindful of your daily water usage: wash only full dishwasher or laundry loads and turn off water while brushing teeth or shaving;
- Water your lawn according to City Code, between the hours of 7:00 PM and 9:00 AM, and reduce watering based on rainfall amounts;
- Businesses, according to code, should supply patrons with drinking water only upon request;
- Install water efficient products, such as low-flow faucets, showerheads & toilets; improvements or additions that require building permits must, according to code, use updated water efficient fixtures and fittings;
- Install a rain barrel: use for your lawn (do not use for human/pet consumption);
- For more tips visit our Water Conservation and Preservation page