Commercial Energy Rebates
Commercial Rebates - National Grid
Rebates on engineering studies, natural gas heating systems, water savings products, water heaters, kitchen equipment, etc.
Commercial System Relief - PSEG LI
You can receive monthly payments from PSEG for committing to temporarily reduce your electric demand, for a few hours, a few times per year when the grid is over-stressed due to excess electricity demand.
Energy Assessments - PSEG LI
Have an energy professional tour your business/facilities, analyze your equipment and energy needs, and design a plan to make your business save energy, money, and qualify for rebates.
Green Energy - PSEG LI
Learn more about renewable energy options for your business.
Financial incentives are available for businesses that Revitalize Communities. Examples include business that:
- Improve the economic vitality of a municipality;
- Move into a space that has been vacant for a year or more;
- as well as Growing Businesses.
Contact PSEG LI to receive technical assistance and learn more about these programs.
Read: LI Herald: "PSEG awards grant to Baked by the Ocean" 9/27/18
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