Did you know that the City of Long Beach Office of Events oversees hundreds of special events held annually including beach concerts, Arts & Crafts Fairs, Festivals, volleyball tournaments, private and not-for profit organizations events and more? Many events require a permit.
Who Needs a Events Permit?
Festivals, athletic events, races/walks, parades, surf contests, volleyball, film shoots, etc. require a special permit. An Event Permit is needed for any event that impacts the public, public property and/or requires City services, including street closures, Police, Fire, Recreation etc... Download the appropriate permit application from the list below.
How Does It Work?
Filling out a permit application is just the first step.
Once an Event Permit Application is submitted, the Office of Events, and various Departments including Police, Fire, and Recreation, reviews the application for all necessary licenses, agreements and insurance coverage. Once approved, the office will contact the applicant and guide them through the process.
Please note: Submitting an Permit Application does not guarantee permission from the City of Long Beach.
Special Event/Use of City Property Permit Application
Film Permit Application (no permits are given between Memorial Day and Labor Day)
Block Parties (all block party permits go through the Long Beach Police Department)
Wedding Ceremony (no reception) on the Beach (all wedding ceremonies on the beach go through the City Clerk's Office)
If you have additional questions about events in the City, about filing a permit application for your event, or about sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Office of Events at (516) 705-7414, or send an email to lbevents@longbeachny.gov. If you send us an email, in order for us to serve you better, please include as many details as possible about your event, including the date, estimated participants and overall attendance. Thank you!
Application Process
To host an event on City property, you must obtain a special event permit from the City of Long Beach Events Office.
Step 1: Obtain the Use of City Property/Special Permit application form by downloading the application found by clicking here.
Step 2: Complete permit application and gather all documents needed for submission.
Step 3: Turn in completed application, application fee and documents to the Events Office located at The Recreation Center, 700 Magnolia Boulevard front desk.
Our staff will carefully review your information upon completion of your application. You will be notified if additional information is needed. We request the application and documents be submitted forty-five (45) days prior to the event being held.
Please note: Acceptance of your application should in no way be construed as final approval or confirmation of your request. Staff will process your application internally through the necessary outside departments for approval.
Permit Application Fees
Please see the fee schedule below.
Description of Fees | Fee |
Use of City Property/Special Event Permit Application Fee (Non-refundable) | $100.00 |
Use of City Property (per day) Peak Season (May 1 - Oct 31) | $850.00 |
Use of City Property (per day) Off-Peak Season (Nov 1 - April 30) | $350.00 |
Other Misc. Fees (Personnel costs, electric , bandwagon etc. - see application) |
Varies |
Download and save/print a copy of the application.
Read the Rules and Regulations.
Do not hesitate to contact our office with questions at 516-705-7414.
Gather all documents prior to submitting your event application.
Ensure that enough time is given to complete the application process accurately.
Review your permit application before submission.
Applications must include the $100.00 application fee in order to start the process.
Submitting Your Application
When you are ready, you may turn in the application and required documents by either emailing us, at lbevents@longbeachny.gov or by dropping it off to the Events Office located at The Recreation Center, 750 Magnolia Boulevard.
CLICK HERE to download a Use of City Property/Special Event Permit Application.
If you have additional questions about events in the City, about filing a permit application for your event, or about sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Office of Events at (516) 705-7414, or send an email to lbevents@longbeachny.gov. If you send us an email, in order for us to serve you better, please include as many details as possible about your event, including the date, estimated participants and overall attendance. Thank you!