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RFP#2024-153 Request for Proposals for Beach Park Access Control Services


City of Long Beach




 The City of Long Beach (the ‘City”) is soliciting request for proposals (RFP) from qualified vendors to provide beach park access control services for innovative and state-of-the-art alternative ways for residents/visitors to pay for and use beach passes with no additional fee to the City along with ease of identification of valid beach pass holders.   These “beach park access control services” will allow the resident/visitor to purchase a season or daily pass that include senior, veteran, access, child and adult passes sold in both resident and non-resident varieties.  In addition, the City sells economy passes (10 packs) for both resident and non-resident daily passes and has a program with the Long Island Rail Road for a discount train/beach package

 The City continues to experience an unprecedented level of growth within its beach front.  Each year, the City sells between 250,000-300,000 beach passes to residents and visitors allowing them the ability to utilize the City’s 3.5 miles of beach along the Atlantic Ocean.  To date, sales of beach park access passes have been accomplished via in-person transactions and the issuance of a physical plastic pass; or electronically utilizing their phone.  Point-of-sale pass transactions typically take place at each beach entrance along with two (2) other designated areas or electronically in order to achieve the efficiencies and ancillary benefits of such.

 The City is desirous of implementing a new control service that would allow the user an efficient experience to enjoy the City’s waterfront area while providing a more effective measure to beach pass validity and payment compliance.

 The award of this contract shall be made to the vendor whose proposal is deemed to be the most advantageous to the City, in accordance with the criteria set forth in the RFP. 

 The beach park access control services solution should allow the visitor/customer (the “user”) to purchase a pass from any web-enabled device, such as a smartphone, tablet or computer.  The solution should collect only the minimum amount of information required to complete the financial transaction and/or address the City’s other needs.  Reporting of pass purchases and usage to the City is required.  All data is owned by the City of Long Beach and shall not be used for any third-party purpose.