RFP-program management services-92
When:Background and Information
The City of Long Beach, New York (the “City”), with a year round population of approximately 37,500 persons, is located on Nassau County’s south shore. The City has a 5 mile oceanfront, 2.2 mile boardwalk, and 5 miles of bay front along Reynolds Channel.
The City has received Federal Transit Administration (the “FTA”) §5307 and §5339 funds for various projects to improve the City’s transportation system. In the execution of the projects, the City will adhere to all FTA requirements as stated in 49 U.S.C. §5307 and §5339 program along with complying with all federal procurement procedures, regulations and guidance including incorporating Buy America requirements.
The City is seeking to enter into a contract with the selected firm, whereby the vendor would provide program management services including procurement assistance to the City for bus improvement projects funded with Federal and New York State funds.
Procurement assistance will need to be provided for the following items, some of which may utilize NYS Contracts which will need to incorporate Federal clauses, as applicable:
Bus Shelters;
New Fare Collection Systems;
AVL Tracking System;
Bus Stop Lighting
Camera System; and
Various ADA vehicles.
Project management services will include roll out and oversight for the following items: 1. New Fare Collection Systems; and 2. AVL Tracking System.
Scope of Work
Procurement assistance activities shall include at a minimum the preparation and assembly of procurement packages, including the following sections: 1. Cover;
- Request for Proposal Instructions, including Procurement Schedule; 3. FTA Compliance Sections; 4. Technical Criteria and Scope of Work; 5. Schedule for Delivery, including interim milestones; 6. M/WBE (DBE) compliance and possible DBE plan with goals;
- Price Proposal Instructions; and 8. Evaluation Criteria.
Performance of the following tasks during the procurement process as follows: 1. Prepare Independent Cost Estimate (ICE); 2. Coordinate Advertisement and Solicitation either using public advertisement; 3. Conduct Pre-Proposal Meeting; 4. Provide formal response to vendor questions; 5. Prepare Addenda (if necessary); 6. Review Proposals for responsiveness; 7. Participate in Evaluation Committee, if requested by City; 8. Analyze and compare price proposals; 9. Provide Due Diligence and Responsibility review; 10.Assist City in production of any authorization for Award Documents; 11.Provide “non-selection” responses to vendors not being selected for award; 12.Craft Award of contract letter to selected vendor(s).
Program Management activities shall include: 1. Roll out; and 2. Oversight.