RFP-tennis center-98
It is the intent of the City of Long Beach to solicit proposals from experienced tennis court operators and/or personnel for the lease and operation of the City’s existing tennis courts at Monroe Boulevard and Reynolds Channel, together with existing clubhouse facility. Such lease will be for a period of five (5) years with the option to re-new for an additional five (5) year period.
1. Sealed proposals will be received up until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in the Purchasing Dept., Room 509, City Hall, One West Chester Street, Long Beach, New York.
- City of Long Beach employees and their immediate families may not submit proposals for the tennis center concession.
- Proposer must submit a 50% deposit of the annual fee, payable by certified check or money order, at the return of this proposal. The balance of the annual fee must be paid upon execution of the agreement; a copy of which has been read and accepted.
- No proposals will be accepted from anyone who is in arrears for prior expenses or fees owed to the City.
- The amount proposed will be for an annual fee based on a five (5) year term, with one five (5) year extension. Said extension shall only take effect upon a request in writing, received by the City no later than six (6) months prior to the expiration of the lease. Rent to be paid during any extension shall be negotiated between the parties. The City reserves the right to not exercise these extensions for any reason whatsoever, and proposer agrees that they will abide by this rejection by the City of their request, and that they will not seek any remedy, legal or otherwise.
- If an extension is granted, the entire fee for the following year must be paid prior to the commencement of the next year.
- Proposers must submit a resume in writing of their experience in the tennis center service business along with their proposal. Unless this resume is submitted, the proposal will not be considered.
- The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals if not deemed in the best interest of the City of Long Beach. The City is not obligated to accept the highest proposal and has the right to award the contract to the proposer proving the most complete experience in the tennis center concession business.
- The successful proposer shall obtain a Mercantile License from the City Clerk of the City of Long Beach.
- The successful proposer will be responsible for all permits, fees and other costs associated with the proper operation of this service.
- The successful proposer will be required to obtain and maintain all required Nassau County Department of Health Approvals/Permits where applicable.
- Adequate insurance policies will be maintained by the successful proposer at all times. Copies of all policies will be provided to the City with the City named as certificate holder and additional insured.
- Proposers must include a sworn statement setting forth whether the corporate proposer, its principals or employees (acting on proposer’s behalf) have been convicted, or pled guilty to any State, Federal or Local crime or violation within the past ten (10) years. Set forth the relevant facts and circumstances surrounding said conviction. Failure to provide this statement shall result in the rejection of the proposal.
- Staffing of the tennis center concession shall be adequate at all times to provide proper service. Employment shall be obtained from local work forces as much as possible.
- The lessee shall file a list of items to be sold and/or rented, and the prices to be charged. Unless otherwise stipulated, only tennis equipment and other sporting goods may be sold. The City reserves the right to restrict or prohibit the sale of any item. No alcoholic beverages, drugs or other dangerous items shall be offered for sale.
- The successful proposer shall post a price list.
- The lease with the successful proposer(s) shall run for a period of five (5) years from the date of award.
- The City reserves the right to:
- Suspend the contract at any time due to inadequate or poor vendor performance.
- Enter the unit and inspect same for compliance with Local, County, State and Federal Codes/Laws.
- Remove from the Arena, at any time, vendor employees or persons who are violating any law or code.
- The successful proposer shall maintain the area around the tennis center concession in a clean and proper way subject to violations being imposed. Garbage and trash shall be properly stowed and disposed of in accordance with the City’s Code of Ordinances and as directed by our Department of Sanitation.
- The terms of this proposal are incorporated in and shall be included as part of the agreement being executed.
- In the event that the vendor is found by the City Manager to have violated this agreement, then penalties shall be as follows:
- 1st violation – Warning
- 2nd violation - $100 Payment to City’s General Fund
- 3rd violation - $400 Payment to City’s General Fund
- No contract shall be assigned or any part of the same subcontracted without the written consent of the City Manager and in no case shall such consent relieve the lessee from his obligation, or change the terms of the contract.
- The amount bid will be for an annual fee based on a five (5) year term.
- The proposer agrees to maintain the structure and surrounding area in good condition and repair in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws of the City of Long Beach at all times during the term of this agreement at his own cost and expense.
- It is agreed between the respective parties hereto that any improvements made by the proposer herein be and the same shall become the property of the City, and the proposer shall not do or suffer anything to be done which would impair the use or value of said improvements.
- The City is not responsible for clean-up of the leased area. In the event the City has to clean the leased area, the lessee will be responsible for the cost.
- The proposer agrees that the City may repossess the premises and evict the proposer therefrom (without penalty) upon sixty (60) days’ notice, to the proposer, that the City intends to develop the premises in accordance with any Comprehensive Plan and/or Urban Renewal Plan that has been or will be duly-adopted by the Long Beach City Council. Proposer must forfeit and waive any right to recover monetary or other forms of damages, should such a repossession and eviction occur.