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RFP2022-141 Towing (re-proposal)


IMPORTANT NOTE TO POTENTIAL PROPOSERS:  Receipt of these RFP documents does not indicate that the City of Long Beach (the “City”) has pre-determined your company's qualifications to receive a contract award.  Such determination will be made after the review of Proposals received and will be based on our evaluation of your submission compared to the specific requirements and qualifications contained in these bid documents.




SEALED REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the City of Long Beach, on  the 21st day of April, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. (the “Submission Date”), or as extended, for:


RFP2022-141 Towing


Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the sealed proposals will be publicly recorded via videoconferencing.  The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the proposal opening live at:

Proposals may be mailed or delivered to the Purchasing Agent, 1 West Chester Street, Room 509, Long Beach, New York 11561, no later than 11:00 a.m. on April 21, 2022. 

No Proposals will be accepted after that time and date.

All Proposals must be sealed and submitted in an envelope marked “2022 Towing (re-proposal)on the front of the envelope.


All PROPOSERS MUST complete the required Bidder’s Disclosure Statement, Non-Collusion Declaration, and must provide a copy of the required Statement of Financial Conditions, even if a Proposer/Bidder is currently executing work for the City.


It is the policy of the City to encourage the participation of DBE and M/WBE; by submitting a Proposal/bidding on this request for Proposals, the contractor acknowledges its understanding and support of this policy and pledges to fully cooperate with the City in meeting the requirements as set forth in the bidding and contract documents.


The City reserves the absolute right to reject any and all Proposals, and to waive any informalities therein.


The City will not accept a proposal from any entity that is in arrears for prior expenses or fees owed to the City.


The award of this contract shall be made to the vendor(s) whose proposal is deemed to be the most advantageous to the City, in accordance with the criteria set forth in the RFP. 


A Proposal submitted by a Proposer who is not in full compliance with the provisions of the City Charter and Code of Ordinances at the time of submission will be denied. 


The City will not accept Proposals from, nor award a Contract to, anyone who cannot prove to the satisfaction of the City that the Proposer has sufficient experience and/or is financially able and organized to successfully comply with the requirements set forth herein. 


                                                                                       DONNA M. GAYDEN

                                                                                       CITY MANAGER


DATED:    Long Beach, New York

                 April 4, 2022



City of Long Beach





The purpose of the attached specifications is to provide the City of Long Beach (the “City”) with the highest quality service in accordance with these specifications and best-accepted practices, upon terms and conditions which are beneficial to the City taxpayers.


All proposals are expected to be based on full compliance with the specifications. The solicitation and specification documents are considered to be part of the proposal and of any contract relating thereto.


The attention of all proposers is called to the Federal, State and municipal laws, rules, regulations and ordinances in reference to labor and materials, proposals, and all other matters pertaining to the relations between the City and the Contractor(s).


Proposers will be furnished with a copy of the specifications, proposals, and instructions, and any amendments, supplements and/or addenda. Proposals will be made by filling out the proposal form attached to the specifications in detail. Proposals shall be addressed to:


Rosemary Alton, Purchasing Agent
City of Long Beach
One West Chester Street, Room 509
Long Beach, NY  11561


The entire specification and proposal form must be returned to the Purchasing Agent in a SEALED envelope clearly marked:   "RFP2022-141 Towing (re-proposal)


Proposals will be accepted until 11:00 a.m., Thursday, April 21, 2022, at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, City of Long Beach, One West Chester Street, Long Beach, New York 11561.


Each proposal must be headed by the name of the Proposer and the address of the Proposer's principal office or principal place of business. Proposals containing only a post office box as a mailing address will be deemed inadequate and may, at the discretion of the City, be rejected. Where a proposal is made by a corporation, same shall be signed by a legally authorized officer of the corporation.  As used herein, the term "person" shall include an entity.


Any person submitting a proposal for the proposed contract may submit to a written request for an interpretation of the instructions or specifications. The Purchasing Agent shall furnish the inquirer with a written response prior to the deadline for submitting the proposal.  The making of any necessary inquiry will be the responsibility of the proposer. Oral answers will not be binding on the City.


Do not include Federal, State and other taxes in proposal price. The City of Long Beach is exempt from payment of sales tax pursuant to Sec. 1116 of the Tax Law of the State of New York. The successful proposer(s) shall take necessary steps to eliminate the sales tax, if any, on purchases to be used under this contract and any projected sales tax expenses shall not be included in the proposal submitted.


Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice at any time prior to the scheduled time for the opening of proposals. However, once the proposals have been opened, no proposer may withdraw the proposal for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of opening.


Pursuant to Section 109 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, no contractor to whom, any contract shall be let, granted or awarded, as required by law, shall assign transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of the same, or his right, title or interest therein, or his power to execute such contract, to any other person or corporation without the prior written consent of the of the City of Long Beach.