RFP#2023-145 Ice Arena
The City of Long Beach (the “City”), hereby invites qualified vendors to submit proposals for the management, maintenance and operations of the City of Long Beach Ice Arena (the “Arena”) at 150 West Bay Drive, Long Beach, New York. The City is soliciting proposals from interested and qualified ice skating rink operators to manage, maintain and operate the entire Arena. The expected services include management, maintenance and operations of the Arena in accordance with a formal management agreement.
The successful proposer shall operate the ice skating rink, available for use by the general public - including maintaining existing Long Beach resident programs, with sufficient personnel to maintain the building and equipment, collect fees, schedule ice time and ensure a continuous seasonal operation.
The City anticipates an investment from the concessionaire. All costs associated with the renovation and operation of the entire Arena will be borne by the concessionaire and all improvements and equipment will remain property of the City of Long Beach thereafter. The successful proposer will be required to make all necessary repairs at its sole cost and expense.
The City seeks Proposals from qualified Proposers (hereinafter “Proposer”) for the lease of the Ice Arena for the purpose of operating and managing the ice rink, ice skate rental, administrative office, first aid office, restrooms in the Facility, and an optional snack bar concession and/or pro shop. Proposers should be aware that use of these rooms must be consistent with a proper City purpose. All operation and management costs will be borne by the successful proposer (hereinafter “Lessee”). Proposers are hereby advised that the City currently extends license agreements with various outside youth hockey organizations for the use of the ice rink. The City encourages the successful Proposer to continue extending licenses for these purposes only upon commencement of the lease agreement, to the extent possible.