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Full Service Regional Marketing and Advertising Campaign Including Transit Advertising Program for the City of Long Beach, New York



The City of Long Beach, New York with a population of approximately 35,000 persons is located on Nassau County’s south shore. The City has a 5 mile oceanfront, 2.2 mile boardwalk, and 5 miles of bay front along Reynolds Channel. The City’s central business district extends in a linear manner along Park Ave, east and west of the intersection with Long Beach Blvd. A Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) intermodal Center is located just to the west of the Long Beach Blvd/ Park Ave intersection. A comprehensive plan for the city can be viewed on our website, The City is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan, information on that can be found at:


  • The City of Long Beach is currently seeking one (1) Full Service Regional Marketing and Advertising firm which will provide all required personnel, services and support relating to such marketing and advertising services including management of transit advertising programsand marketing coordinator. We have received New York State funding from Empire State Development Corporation (ESD) Market NY, which the City has provided a local match for, creating a total marketing budget of $380,000. The project will start immediately upon award. This specific funding will be available until spring 2016, and future funding is anticipated based upon prior experience.The applicant will manage this project and assist the City Manager’s office, along with the City’s Public Relations and Economic Development Departments with its design, public relations and general marketing/advertising experience in regards to multiple marketing and promotional activities targeted to the promote year-round tourism and economic vitality in the City.  The applicant will build on the previous efforts of the City’s prior marketing initiatives. Our tentative theme is “More than Just the Beach-Open for Business Year Round”. The applicant must be able to demonstrate an understanding of Long Beach and have a minimum of five (5) years of prior experience in marketing and advertising efforts for similar coastal communities with a visitor influenced economy. The applicant must be able to provide innovative ideas for Long Beach from other similar coastal communities. The applicant will be responsible to find sponsorships to support marketing and other efforts and should be able to demonstrate previous transit advertising experience.


Scope of Regional Marketing & Advertisement Campaign

Professional services may include but are not limited to:

  • Market research, analysis and advice
  • Advertising: conception, planning, design, development, production and evaluation
  • Media buying, placement and monitoring
  • Graphic design
  • Photography
  • Public Relations Services
  • Management of Visitors website
  • Advise City on updates to the City App
  • Creation of a clearinghouse for events
  • Special Programs which may include, but are not limited to, Buy-a-Board, Relief Fund Benefits and Holiday Lights
  • The coordination and handling of artistic events and concerts
  • Transit Advertising and Municipal Event Sponsorships for bus, bus shelter and advertising kiosks which may include, but are not limited to, event sponsorship development, ice rink advertising, bike racks, pouring and product rights

 The three major goals of this campaign are to:

  • Promote seasonal and year round visitors
  • Support new and existing local businesses year round
  • Provide a significant boost to our local economy

 A wide variety of advertising would be encompassed in this campaign across the following mediums, dependent upon the available budget, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Billboards
  • Outdoor/Banners
  • Web/Social Media
  • Print Media
  • Kiosks
  • Bus Shelters
  • Bus Advertising

 Scope of Transit Advertising Services

 The City will give and grant to the successful proposer the sole, exclusive and complete advertising rights, powers and privileges in, upon and about all buses now owned or hereafter owned, operated or controlled by the City. This includes the trolley buses which will only have interior and rear exterior advertisements, except for the Open Air Trolley which only has interior advertising. Successful proposer shall have the right to place, display, maintain, change and remove advertisements, both on the inside and outside spaces, subject to the limits imposed by the Request for Proposal.  All advertisements are subject to approval by the City of Long Beach.


Response to Questions Re: Request for Proposal from the City of Long Beach – Full Service Regional Marketing & Advertising Campaign Including Transit Advertising Program for the City of Long Beach.

June 25, 2015

Scope of Regional Marketing & Advertisement Campaign:

  1. “Creation of a clearing house for events” can you please provide more details on what the city would require for this service?

Response: The firm(s) chosen through this RFP will be required to collect event information from organizations, businesses and City departments within the City of Long Beach to create and promote a central list of all events going on year round in Long Beach. The firm(s) will insure that this information is posted on the City of Long Beach visitor’s web site, Facebook page, and anywhere else the City deems appropriate, such as the City’s website and app. This list will have to be updated seasonally, at a minimum.

  1. “Coordination and handling of artistic events and concerts” can you provide more details on the requirements for this service?

Response: The firm(s) chosen through the RFP will be required to promote and market city events, as well as assist the City in managing the events. The goal of these events will be to attract regional visitors and residents, especially during the shoulder seasons: spring, fall and winter. It is anticipated that there will be a maximum of five (5) events.



Full Service Regional Marketing and Advertising Campaign Full Service Regional Marketing and Advertising Campaign