RFP2021-130 Bicycle Rental Program (Closed)
A. General
The City of Long Beach (the ‘City”) is soliciting request for proposals (RFP)for a self-service bicycle rental program for public use and stationed in the public right-of-way. The selected Proposer will be required to implement a program, which should enable the public to self-rent bicycles from any of several locations and return them to another. Services would be provided by the selected Proposer on a 24-hour, 7-days per week, full time basis with sufficient personnel to successfully operate the program. The Proposer may however elect to cease operation from December 1st through April 1st of each year.
The City’s goals and objectives are to promote bicycling as an integral part of daily life for Long Beach residents and visitors. This program is to be accessible to the maximum number of people in the most cost-efficient manner to increase bicycle use and decrease local motor vehicle use.
Self-service bicycle rental programs provide a convenience for bicyclists since bicycles are available on an as-needed basis, tune-ups and storage are not necessary, and bike stations are provided in strategic locations. Benefits for the City include reduced traffic congestion, improved air quality, quieter and more livable streets, and the opportunity for citizens to improve their health through exercise.
The City of Long Beach is a popular tourist destination with a year-round population of approximately 34,000, and a summer population of approximately 50,000 to 60,000. On a popular summer weekend, it is common for the City to receive 25,000 beach attendees, of which approximately 9,000 of these visitors arrive by train and, as a result, do not have a car or bike of their own.
B. Subcontracting
No subcontracting shall be permitted without the express permission of the City.
SEALED REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS will be received by the Purchasing Department of the City of Long Beach, on the 10th day of January, 2022, at 2:00 pm (the “Submission Date”), or as extended, for:
Bicycle Rental Program
Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the sealed proposals will be publicly recorded via videoconferencing in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 202.11. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the proposal recording live at:
Proposals may be mailed or delivered to the Purchasing Department, 1 West Chester Street, Room 509, Long Beach, New York 11561,
No Proposals will be accepted after that time and date.
All Proposals must be sealed and submitted in an envelope with the Identification Label provided in the Bid Documents affixed to the front of the envelope.
All PROPOSERS MUST complete the required Bidder’s Disclosure Statement, Non-Collusion Declaration, and must provide a copy of the required Statement of Financial Conditions, even if a Proposer/Bidder is currently executing work for the City.
It is the policy of the City to encourage the participation of DBE and M/WBE; by submitting a Proposal/bidding on this request for Proposals, the contractor acknowledges its understanding and support of this policy and pledges to fully cooperate with the City in meeting the requirements as set forth in the bidding and contract documents.
The City reserves the absolute right to reject any and all Proposals, and to waive any informalities therein.
A Proposal submitted by a Proposer who is not in full compliance with the provisions of the City Charter and Code of Ordinances at the time of submission will be denied.
The City will not accept Proposals from, nor award a Contract to, anyone who cannot prove to the satisfaction of the City that the Proposer has sufficient experience and/or is financially able and organized to successfully comply with the requirements set forth herein.
DATED: Long Beach, New York
December 2, 2021