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RFP-hvac maintenance and professional services-106







The City of Long Beach is soliciting proposals for HVAC maintenance and professional services according to the specifications of the City of Long Beach for City owned buildings and facilities.  The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to provide interested vendors with information to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for consideration. 




Sealed proposals will be received up to 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 28, 2020.  All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope with title of RFP, due date and time, and name of proposer so marked clearly on the outside envelope. Three (3) copies of such proposal shall be supplied.   Proposals should be sent to:

 Purchasing Agent
City of Long Beach
1 West Chester Street, Room 509
Long Beach, NY  11561


All inquires should be directed to Thomas Canner, Superintendent, at (516) 705-7427.

The decision of the City Council as to which proposal offered is in the best interest of the City of Long Beach shall be final. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

Proposals will only be considered from companies which have an established reputation in this field.

Contractor agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the General Municipal Law State of New York as amended by Chapter 751, Section 1, of the Laws of 1965 and particularly to Sections 103A and 103B thereof, and further agrees to at all times to observe and comply with all municipal ordinances, regulations State and OSHA Federal Laws, in any manner affecting the work herein specified.  This contract will follow the provisions of the Prevailing Wage Rates as set forth by the NYS Dept. of Labor.  A copy of the prevailing wage rates will be available to the successful bidder.


The successful proposer shall furnish a 100% Performance Bond within thirty (30) days of notification of award of contract.

 Any changes to these specifications must be by written consent of both the successful vendor and the City of Long Beach. No oral, telegraph, or telephone bids or modifications will be considered.