Emergency Planning Services for the City of Long Beach, New York
The City of Long Beach, (the “City”), is seeking proposals for emergency planning services for the City of Long Beach, New York. The City is seeking proposals from highly qualified entities to provide the requested services.
The City anticipates that the selected firm will be awarded a contract period of an initial one (1) year term with two (2) subsequent one (1) year renewals. All renewals will be contingent upon mutual and written agreement.
This engagement will focus on emergency preparedness, planning, homeland security, storm recovery and government relations efforts on behalf of the City of Long Beach, New York. The minimum professional services which the City seeks include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Provide assistance in planning, resourcing and developing of City facilities as well as policies, plans and procedures for emergency management and response;
- Consulting services on issues related to homeland security, storm recovery and emergency management;
- Necessary counsel, strategy and planning to identify and advise the most effective presentation strategies and approaches;
- Provide assistance in identifying and applying for grants related to homeland security and emergency management; and
- Provide consulting on the legislative process and liaise with those responsible for crafting regulations in the State of New York.
All questions shall be addressed to Michael Tangney, Police Commissioner, at mtangney@lbpd.com.