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1.     Swimmers must wear proper swimming attire.  Only bathing suits and Gym shorts are permitted. NO CUT-OFFS, SWEATS or T-SHIRTS!  

2.     No street clothes, shoes or sneakers permitted on deck.  Shower shoes are permitted.

3.     No eating, drinking, chewing gum or smoking in pool area, locker rooms or balcony.

4.     The following, as noted, are strictly prohibited:

·        Pushing

·        Running

·        Boisterous Conduct

·        Toys

·        Floatation devices *(unless there is adult supervision)

·        Masks

·        Snorkels (ONLY FOR LAP SWIMMING)

5.     Styrofoam Floatation Devices are permitted for public use.  No inflatable floats will be permitted.  Patrons may use their own personal floatation devices provided there is direct adult supervision.  Kickboards may be used by swimmers in laps only and can only be given out by the lifeguard on duty.

6.     Only staff members permitted in Filter Room and Pool Office.

7.     No running jumps or dives (front or back) permitted in shallow pool.

8.     Keep area between pools from obstruction.  Swimmers must enter pool via ladder or on east side of pool.  No jumping or diving from ledge between pools.

9.     Swimmers must be at least 48” in height, otherwise must be accompanied by a responsible guardian who shall assume full responsibility for child’s safety.

10.No splashing, spitting, chicken fights or roughhousing of any kind permitted.

11.Deep pool is sectioned off for diving board use (East side) and for adult swimming and lessons only on the West side.  Children with proper supervision will be permitted at designated times.

12.No more than one person on diving board at one time.  One bounce only.  Divers must swim to, and leave pool by, ladder.

13.No one under 18 admitted to Men's and/or Ladies’ sessions.

14.Children of school age not accompanied by an adult, 21 or over, must leave pool at 9:00 p.m. on school evenings.

15.Lap swimmers must swim in proper lanes according to their pace.  Circle swimming only.  Lifeguards are responsible for keeping lanes moving smoothly.

16.No one is allowed in Swimming Pool unless a certified lifeguard is on duty.