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Pothole FAQ's


What causes a pothole?

Water can get under the pavement through cracks or from the side of the road. Over time, the water can cause the material under the pavement to erode, causing the pavement to sink down and break. During the winter, the water under the pavement freezes then thaws (contracting and expanding). This freeze/thaw cycle can cause the pavement to crack so that it deteriorates quickly under the weight of traffic, and then streets can seem to break out in potholes overnight.

Why are there so many potholes in our streets?

You can expect to see more potholes in the winter and spring, following periods of cold temperatures and rain or snow. Coastal area cities and towns experience extensive freeze/thaw cycles.

You filled a pothole, but a few days later, there it was again. Why don't your repairs last longer?

Because making permanent repairs during the winter is both difficult and expensive, in winter months we fill potholes with both cold and hot patch and wait until spring to make permanent repairs with hot asphalt. These temporary repairs are intended to maintain safety and minimize damage to vehicles. Permanent repairs require waiting until the spring to thaw.


How do I report a pothole?

In addition to our City personnel, we also rely on residents to report potholes. If you come across a pothole, call Public Works at 431-1011 or use the Long Beach Response app, downloadable for free on your smartphone at the Apple and Google Play stores, or click here to visit Long Beach Response at Potholes reported through the Long Beach Response app will be filled in advance of the Pothole Patrol schedule, detailed above. 

What if the pothole is on a County-maintained road?

To report a pothole on County-owned roads, motorists can call the County Road Maintenance department at 516-571-6900. Note: Park Ave. between Maple Blvd. and Long Beach Blvd. is a Nassau County road as is Long Beach Blvd. north of Park Ave.

How long does it take to fill a pothole?

On average, it takes approximately two business days to fill the typical pothole. Some potholes, because of their location in the road or proximity to other infrastructure such as manhole covers, are more difficult to fill and, consequently take longer. We have our road crews working every day to cover several hundred miles of streets in the City.
How does Street Maintenance decide which potholes should be repaired first?
Potholes found on major roadways and potholes that are an immediate hazard to motorists or pedestrians, are given primary attention. Potholes reported through the Long Beach Response app will also be filled in advance of the Pothole Patrol schedule, detailed above. 


To help expedite your service request, please be prepared with specific information when you contact the Public Works Department. The more information we have, the better we can serve you. Useful information includes:

  • The date of your call
  • Provide the exact location of the pothole with the closest street address and cross street and if the hole is in the driving lane or the parking lane.
  • Describe the approximate size and depth of the pothole.
  • Is there a barricade or cone marking the pothole location?