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City of Long Beach/Nassau County WWTP Diversion Project

Description: The City of Long Beach is under an Order on Consent from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to convert the WWTP to a pump station and divert flow to the Bay Park STP. The environmental benefits of this project are enormous. Effluent from the facility would no longer discharge into the estuary. This has long been a source of pollution. The project, which includes construction of a subsurface main (under Reynolds Channel) and conversion of the WWTP to a pump station is estimated to cost $77 million dollars. The City share of the project is approximately $18 million.


The Order requires this project to be complete by June 2024.


The 100% design package for the pump station design is complete. Bids for the project were received on October 27, 2020. The low bidder was RJ Industries at $17,484,400. The force main design component is approximately 75% complete.