Board of Ethics
Consists of 8 members appointed by the City Council, majority of whom shall not be employees or officers of this city, all of whom shall reside in the city and serve without compensation. Members shall serve at the pleasure of Council. Corporation Counsel shall serve as Ex-Officio of the board and at least one member shall be an elected or appointed employee.
The board shall render advisory opinions with respect to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law and of this code. All requests for opinions must be submitted to the board in writing. An opinion shall be rendered only to the person duly requesting it. Opinions may be rendered on the motion of the board or of any member thereof. (Charter Section 18-5)
John MCQuade
Sean Barravecchio
Tori Piechocniski
Lisa Spar
John Laffey
Frank Dikranis - Ex-Officio