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Zoning Board of Appeals

Please visit the Zoning Board of Appeals page for information regarding meetings and packet deadlines. 

Shall consist of 7 members appointed by City Manager, salary fixed by City Council. 2 members initially appointed for a term of 1 year, 2 members for 2 years and 3 members for 3 years. All successors’ terms shall be 3 years. Vacancies prior to expiration of term shall be for remainder of term.

The zoning board of appeals, except as otherwise restricted by this Code or the charter of the city, after notice and hearing, may in a specific case and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, determine and vary the applications of the zoning regulations of the city in harmony with their general purposes and intent as follows:

(a) Grant a permit where it is provided in this Code or the zoning ordinance of the city that the approval of the zoning board of appeals is required.

(b) Grant a permit in any case where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of the zoning ordinance respecting zoning, setbacks and the use of land.

(c) Permit the location of any accessory structure in any residence district nearer the street or the lot line than is required in the particular district affected.

(d) Permit the extension of a nonconforming use or structure upon the lot occupied by such use or structure at the time when this Code goes into effect.

(e) Permit the extension of a use or structure into a more restricted district immediately adjacent thereto under such conditions as will safeguard the character of the more restricted district.

(f) Grant temporary and conditional permits for a period of two (2) years or less for uses and structures in contravention of the requirements of this Code or the zoning ordinance of the city.

(g) Permit the change of a nonconforming use to another no more detrimental. 

(h) Permit in any industrial district a structure to cover more than the prescribed percentage of the lot.

(i) Permit in any district two (2) accessory structures with a party wall.

(j) Revoke, amend or modify any variance or permit granted by the zoning board of appeals in which any condition imposed by such board either has not been complied with or has been breached or violated.




Rocco Morelli, Chairman

Barry Alton

Franklin Alvarado

Wanda Brooks

Vincent DePasquale

Vincent Leis

Michael Markowtiz



Please visit the Zoning Board of Appeals page for information regarding meetings and packet deadlines.