Board of Examiners of Electricians
Composed of Building Commissioner, Commissioner of Public Works, an underwriter’s electrical inspector and two master or employing electricians and an alternate electrician appointed by the City Manager and may be removed by him at any time.
The board shall examine all persons desiring or intending to engage in the trade, business or calling of a master electrician in the city, with the power to examine persons applying for a New York Board of Fire Underwriters Final Certificate as a master electrician, to determine their fitness and qualifications for conducting the business of a master electrician and to issue New York Board of Fire Underwriters Certificates to all such persons who shall have satisfactorily passed an examination before the board and shall be by it determined to be qualified for conducting the business of a master electrician. (Charter Section 10-56,57,58,59,60 &61)
Frank Baldelli, Licensed Electrician
Paul Barker
Paul Leone, Licensed Electrician
Scott Kemins, Building Commissioner
Joseph Febrizio, Public Works Commissioner