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Comprehensive Plan Draft Update

2018 Update:

The City has worked diligently on analyzing and reviewing all public feedback on the Draft Comprehensive Plan. We have updated the plan responding to the public feedback. The draft plan includes the consideration of all comments heard over the past 2 years from all outreach methods, via surveys, meetings, emails, phone calls, etc. The listing of the portions of the plan that were updated can be found in the final appendix, Appendix E: Public Comment Analysis. In this appendix, it lists the comments we heard, sorted by topic, and lists the section that the responses or changes can be found in. In addition, the 2018 Update starts at page 7-43.

The updated draft 2018 version is available for download below.  A reference copy of the plan is also available to view in hard copy at: the City Clerk’s Office on the 3rd floor of City Hall and the Long Beach Library at the reference desk.