Economic Development & Planning
The Department of Economic Development and Planning’s (DEDP) mission is to encourage economic sustainability and growth in the City of Long Beach by supporting local businesses and attracting new ones, creating jobs, and improving the City’s overall quality of life through the integration of resiliency into policy and practice. The department seeks out funding for the city in support of this mission.
Description of Services
Created in 2013, the Department of Economic Development and Planning is responsible for economic development in support of the business community, the Long Beach Local Development Council (LDC), planning, many city grants, marketing and support for the arts council. It also works on environmental issues such as remediating brownfields, protection of the Lloyd Aquifer and implementing complete streets policies, which include the creation of bike lanes to foster a healthier and less auto dependent community.
The department was awarded three state grants to update the Comprehensive Plan and Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) without any cost to the city. These two documents project out both short and long-term goals for the City, focusing on resiliency and economic development, parking, affordable housing and preventing over-development. The process included hiring expert consultants, extensive community outreach, and a rigorous review process. The department has completed the final draft plan which can accessed by clicking below.
Transit Oriented Development Project
2018 Comprehensive Plan Draft Update
Edwards Blvd Complete Streets Improvement Project
Long Beach Arts Council Homepage